understanding your report

We understand that many times the information that you receive from your Healthcare Provider and medical reports can be full of medical jargon and can be very confusing. We developed this page to help you in understand the content within your Molecular Pathology report. As always, if you still have questions or concerns you should direct them to your HealthCare Provider.


Understand your Report

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Selected Alteration Details:

For any detected variants that are in My Cancer Genome, this section shows a summary of the information curated by My Cancer Genome, and a link to the variant's page in the MCG website

Understand your Report

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Test Details:

Methodology and disclaimers. Provided by the Medical College of Wisconsin

Understand your Report

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Electronically Signed By:

The first name, last name and suffix(es) for the pathologist who has signed off on the report.

Understand your Report

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Potential alteration(s) in the following genes are undergoing confirmation testing...:

If variant(s) in the Workbench have been sent out for Confirmation, and the results have not been returned at the time the Report has been finalized by the pathologist, the gene(s) in which the variant(s) exist will be denoted here. When these variants are returned, the results will be reported in a Confirmation Addendum Report.

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Detected Alterations of Known or Potential Pathogenicity:

Variants that have been marked as 'Detected' and that are classified as 'Pathogenic' or 'Likely Pathogenic'.

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Detected Alterations of Uncertain Significance

Variants that have been marked as 'Detected' and that are classified as 'Uncertain Significance'

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Detected Alterations Known to Be Benign or Likely to Be Benign

Variants that have been marked as 'Detected' and that are classified as 'Benign' or 'Likely Benign'

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Genes with No Detected Alterations of the Amino Acid Sequence:

Genes that either do not have any detected variants, or only have silent mutations.

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Order Information associated with the current report:

This information is entered during Order creation.

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Patient Information, Specimen Information, Physician Information:

This information is entered during Order creation

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Interpretation of Results

These are the Pathologist's comments

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Drugs Associated with Sensitivity for Patient's Tumor Type, Based on Genomic Analysis

These drugs are expected to induce a positive response, based on the mutations detected. The drug response is associated with the patient's tumor type.

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Drugs Associated with Resistance, Based on Genomic Analysis:

These drugs are expected to be ineffective, based on the mutations detected.

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Clinical Trials

These are potentially relevant Clinical Trials, based on the mutations detected and demographic information available.

Understanding Your Report


Understand your Report

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